Fluery 50/50 (Moo Moo’s Dad)

 SPARKY (50/50) (Dad of Moo Moo)

Sparky (or Fleury as he is now called) is a whirlwind and a happy, full bundle of delight and energy.  Physical energy and happiness almost to the point of silliness.  He seems always alert and he is so nimble.  His current owner who is training him for flyball, but took him to dock diving instead because of covid says the Agility Community perks up when they see him and are extremely interested.  You see, Fleury is a puppy from the Roxie/Lebeau litter of 2019.  He was the smallest male in the litter and very close to the smallest.  He weighs a mere 20 lbs and stands under 14" tall.

    --His owner also reports that he gets along extremely well with other dogs and even gives the scared ones more confidence and calms aggressiveness.  She is now training dogs and uses Fleury to help the other dogs.  

Fleury is also a certified bed bug detection dog  

  Videos on facebook.   



You get a better idea of how small he is in this video taken Jan 2021. 

Sparky carries genes for black, white, brown, red, brindle, sable, saddle, tri color.  


Small and French, the name Lebeau was inspired by the small Frenchman on the old comedy Hogans Heroes. 

Lebeau is a smart, zippy, fun little dog.  He is best buddies with Roxie and they often sleep together.  Yansa, as a growing puppy tried to herd Lebeau, but Lebeau, being a mature Papillon is lightening quick.  Usually, Lebeau ops for the zig zag, step back, use your momentum against you type moves, but when he lights out in a straight line after getting the jump on the direction of inertia, he looks like a fox in full stride.  He calculates his straight runs to the second, heading to a chair, wall, fence, or even Roxie as a shield to duck around.  When Lebeau has had enough, which is rare (he is sooo patient with the puppy), he will assert himself.  Roxie, as a full grown Border Collie, however, can usually out maneuver the puppy and Lebeau quite easily.  She normally just watches for entertainment, but will often step in when needed. 

ROXIE: SPARKY’S MOM (Full ABCA Border Collie)  

Roxie may look large next to Lebeau and Yansa, but she is small boned and weighs only 30lbs.   She comes from a cattle herding line of abca border collies and is quick as lightning.  She is a beautiful dog that exhibits power and grace in a small package.  She plays with Yansa and Lebeau, but is content to watch them.  If something seems out of hand, she jumps right in and then steps back again. 

Busted trying to get a video:  

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